Galactic Astrology : Conversion Tables

Positions as of Epoch 1950.0

Galactic Zodiacal Galactic Zodiacal Galactic Zodiacal
0 Galactic sign of Law 26 Zodiacal sign of Sagittarius 09 0 Galactic sign of Explore 11 Zodiacal sign of Capricorn 36 0 Galactic sign of Nurture 3 Zodiacal sign of Aquarius 22
1 2639 1 1210 1 421
2 2709 2 1245 2 521
3 2739 3 1320 3 623
4 2809 4 1355 4 727
5 2839 5 1431 5 832
6 2909 6 1507 6 939
7 2939 7 1544 7 1048
8 0 Zodiacal sign of Capricorn 09 8 1622 8 1159
9 038 9 1659 9 1311
10 108 10 1738 10 1426
11 138 11 1817 11 1542
12 208 12 1857 12 1701
13 238 13 1937 13 1821
14 309 14 2018 14 1944
15 339 15 2100 15 2109
16 409 16 2143 16 2236
17 440 17 2226 17 2405
18 510 18 2311 18 2537
19 541 19 2356 19 2711
20 612 20 2442 20 2847
21 644 21 2529 21 0 Zodiacal sign of Pisces 25
22 715 22 2617 22 206
23 747 23 2706 23 348
24 819 24 2756 24 533
25 851 25 2847 25 720
26 923 26 2939 26 909
27 956 27 0 Zodiacal sign of Aquarius 33 27 1100
28 1029 28 128 28 1253
29 1102 29 224 29 1447

Galactic Zodiacal Galactic Zodiacal Galactic Zodiacal
0 Galactic sign of Build 16 Zodiacal sign of Pisces 42 0 Galactic sign of Trade 10 Zodiacal sign of Taurus 42 0 Galactic sign of Collect 9 Zodiacal sign of Gemini 14
1 1839 1 1202 1 954
2 2038 2 1320 2 1033
3 2237 3 1436 3 1112
4 2436 4 1550 4 1151
5 2637 5 1701 5 1228
6 2837 6 1812 6 1306
7 0 Zodiacal sign of Aries 38 7 1920 7 1342
8 239 8 2026 8 1418
9 439 9 2131 9 1454
10 638 10 2234 10 1529
11 837 11 2336 11 1604
12 1035 12 2436 12 1639
13 1231 13 2534 13 1713
14 1427 14 2632 14 1746
15 1620 15 2727 15 1820
16 1812 16 2822 16 1852
17 2003 17 2915 17 1925
18 2151 18 0 Zodiacal sign of Gemini 07 18 1958
19 2337 19 058 19 2030
20 2522 20 148 20 2101
21 2704 21 237 21 2133
22 2844 22 324 22 2204
23 0 Zodiacal sign of Taurus 21 23 411 23 2236
24 157 24 457 24 2307
25 330 25 542 25 2337
26 501 26 626 26 2408
27 629 27 709 27 2439
28 756 28 751 28 2509
29 920 29 833 29 2539

Galactic Zodiacal Galactic Zodiacal Galactic Zodiacal
0 Galactic sign of Heal 26 Zodiacal sign of Gemini 09 0 Galactic sign of Rule 11 Zodiacal sign of Cancer 36 0 Galactic sign of Interpret 3 Zodiacal sign of Leo 22
1 2639 1 1210 1 421
2 2709 2 1245 2 521
3 2739 3 1320 3 623
4 2809 4 1355 4 727
5 2839 5 1431 5 832
6 2909 6 1507 6 939
7 2939 7 1544 7 1048
8 0 Zodiacal sign of Cancer 09 8 1622 8 1159
9 038 9 1659 9 1311
10 108 10 1738 10 1426
11 138 11 1817 11 1542
12 208 12 1857 12 1701
13 238 13 1937 13 1821
14 309 14 2018 14 1944
15 339 15 2100 15 2109
16 409 16 2143 16 2236
17 440 17 2226 17 2405
18 510 18 2311 18 2537
19 541 19 2356 19 2711
20 612 20 2442 20 2847
21 644 21 2529 21 0 Zodiacal sign of Virgo 25
22 715 22 2617 22 206
23 747 23 2706 23 348
24 819 24 2756 24 533
25 851 25 2847 25 720
26 923 26 2939 26 909
27 956 27 0 Zodiacal sign of Leo 33 27 1100
28 1029 28 128 28 1253
29 1102 29 224 29 1447

Galactic Zodiacal Galactic Zodiacal Galactic Zodiacal
0 Galactic sign of Teach 16 Zodiacal sign of Virgo 42 0 Galactic sign of Protect 10 Zodiacal sign of Scorpio 42 0 Galactic sign of Art 9 Zodiacal sign of Sagittarius 14
1 1839 1 1202 1 954
2 2038 2 1320 2 1033
3 2237 3 1436 3 1112
4 2436 4 1550 4 1151
5 2637 5 1701 5 1228
6 2837 6 1812 6 1306
7 0 Zodiacal sign of Libra 38 7 1920 7 1342
8 239 8 2026 8 1418
9 439 9 2131 9 1454
10 638 10 2234 10 1529
11 837 11 2336 11 1604
12 1035 12 2436 12 1639
13 1231 13 2534 13 1713
14 1427 14 2632 14 1746
15 1620 15 2727 15 1820
16 1812 16 2822 16 1852
17 2003 17 2915 17 1925
18 2151 18 0 Zodiacal sign of Sagittarius 07 18 1958
19 2337 19 058 19 2030
20 2522 20 148 20 2101
21 2704 21 237 21 2133
22 2844 22 324 22 2204
23 0 Zodiacal sign of Scorpio 21 23 411 23 2236
24 157 24 457 24 2307
25 330 25 542 25 2337
26 501 26 626 26 2408
27 629 27 709 27 2439
28 756 28 751 28 2509
29 920 29 833 29 2539


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